andreamontreuilAug 20, 2020Discover our FOOD SERVICE SolutionsYou are a manufacturer or distributor serving the hotel, restaurants, ice cream parlours and catering markets? Looking for innovative and...
andreamontreuilAug 11, 2020From Cryo Ice Cream Bits to Aquafaba Frozen Sandwiches, discover 5 of our latest additions.No matter where they are located in the world, most of the frozen dessert partners in our ecosystem are engaged in portfolio reviews,...
andreamontreuilJun 8, 2020Time to Rethink Fruit SourcingSince the pandemic, food manufacturers are facing new challenges. As we run into full harvest season, fruit availability and pricing are...
andreamontreuilMay 20, 2020NEW! Easier to find your PRODUCT thanks to our new CATALOGUE filters.As our portfolio is now exceeding 75 PRODUCT GROUPS, we realized that it became more and more complex for you to find the right product...